Hearing God's Voice for Yourself

God's Wisdom

     I will make My Voice clear to those who are clear in mind and heart from the sources of the worlds temptations.  That is, to be clear of heart and mind will bring forth much that will not only purify the mind and heart of Christ's child, but this will qualify the Spirit within you to do the work you are called to do.

     I Am calling My Church  to a deeper faith knowledge this day for My Voice to be heard clearer in their hearts.  To receive words from My heart is to receive the very life blood of your on going walk with Jesus Christ.  Happiness in the Spirit is going forth with the confidence of knowing your God can and will speak to you,.  Knowing this you will have more determination to serve Me with all of your heart. 

     Faith is the basis of all your hopes and dreams and is the blanket of your total giving in Christ Jesus.  Will your faith withstand these days that are trying times for My full spirited Church?  Only in the building up in your spirit will you add to your knowledge, and only adding to your knowledge of Who I Am in you can you be an ongoing child of faith that will go forth in the purpose I have called you to.  Make this day a day full of a deeper faith in what I can give you, My lovely children.  I hold you with such a joy but also need you to understand how I call you to seek Me for  further knowledge in My Word.  To trust what you hear in your spirit can come only by a deeper relationship with Me, your Father.  In My Son you will find the comfort you need to have this trust.  As you call on Him, rest in His Presence and let Him carry you in His peaceful arms so it is you will hear My Voice with a peaceful heart.  Give of this peace to others who are in need, do not hold onto what I so freely give.   

Matthew 10:8b "Freely you have received, freely give." (niv)