There is much to be revealed to My people concerning My Angels. They show reproach when they refer to Angels as heavenly beings who only live in the Kingdom above.  To go beyond what is accepted as fact there is a truth that must be heard and recognized. The promises in My Word are promises that include the assistance of Angels who are at the command of their God.

     The mind of worldly intellect cannot comprehend the holiness of such beings. My power is coming upon the earth in this time with the evidence of the existence of Angels. As My ministering Angels become evident to My people the fullness of My truth will be known to all who are filled with My Spirit with eyes of faith.

      As the atmosphere is holy and the people are called holy this will bring forth spiritual happenings that will be pursued by the Angels filled with my Grace. There are times when knowledge of this Truth is brought about by the laying on of hands which will bring about the very presence of the Angel of Wisdom which is set apart for this time. Included in this time will be the Presence of Jesus bringing the results of this mountaintop experience to allow the will of God to be at work. My promises will be fulfilled when My children come to me with an open heart. This is a holy time for all who have chosen to come to Me, their God, for they have chosen to break the bond of the enemy who strives to come between God and all mankind. Truly I say do not presume that anything could come to block the holiness that I have desired for this appointed time upon the earth.

     My Angels of Mercy will crowd around my children and the eyes to see them will have spiritual focus for it is the time for supernatural knowledge which will guide my people to expect supernatural manifestations as they reach out to a dying world.  My promises are real and true; this is my time to pour out blessings upon the people who live in My Kingdom!

      In Jesus Christ there lies a knowledge not yet touched by His children, that is, a knowledge that will be rightfully  theirs because they are His disciples. This is a time to reveal, this time comes with a reality that will be made only to those who hear His Voice. My promises are real and they will always be forthcoming. Jesus is Lord over all that continue to follow him, and this will be evident in these days of My holy Angels for they will do the will of God and pronounce the words and actions of the Kingdom!